Jessica Noh 노명희
Jessica Noh 노명희
Mob: 021 221 1004
About Jessica Noh
#1 Individual Salesperson, Browns Bay, to end March 2021
#1 Individual Salesperson, Browns Bay, to end March 2020
#9 Individual Salesperson, North Shore Region, to end March 2020
현재의 마켓상황, 내집의 가격대나
집매매를 원하시는 분들이 계시면
부담없이 연락주십시요.
성실과 정직의 제시카는
여러분 곁에 항상
꾸준히 !
열심히 !
일하고 있습니다.
제시카 021 221 1004
My real estate career began in 2005, and it was a special time for me. I’d always had a passion for property and I relished the chance to work with people and to be a part of a special occasion in their lives. Buying or selling a home is special and I believe my straightforward approach and honesty has been the key to my success in the business.
I arrived in New Zealand in 2002 and settled on the Shore with my husband and two sons. My family and I have enjoyed the new opportunities and experiences that this great country offers and I love sharing it with others. One of my sons studied architecture and it has given me an insight into the many different aspects of property. I endeavour to give my clients the benefit of the knowledge I’ve gained.
Travelling is a special love of mine. It takes me out of my comfort zone and gives me the opportunity to develop a wider view of the world. I also get to experience and understand the many different and interesting cultures out there.
If you are selling your home or you are in the market for a new one, call me at Barfoot & Thompson Browns Bay. I always looking forward to working with new clients and I think you’ll find that I will delight you with exceptional results.
Office: 09 478 5119
Mobile: 021 2211 004
Email: j.noh@barfoot.co.nz
Address: 35 Clyde Road, Browns Bay 0630 Barfoot & Thompson Real Estate Browns Bay