Biden takes big stride to presidency, Trump sues in 3 states
바이든, 대통령 당선에 한걸음 ‘성큼’… 트럼프는 3개 주에서 소송제기
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The knife-edge U.S. presidential race tilted toward Democrat Joe Biden early Thursday, with wins in Michigan and Wisconsin bringing him close to a majority, but President Donald Trump claimed he was being cheated and went to court to try and stop vote counting.
미시간주, 위스콘신주에서의 승리로 조 바이든 후보가 과반에 육박하며 살얼음판이던 미국 대선 레이스가 목요일 새벽 민주당 후보 쪽으로 기울었다. 하지만 도널드 트럼프 대통령은 부정선거를 주장하며 개표를 중단시키기 위해 법원을 찾았다.
Tallying of votes continued through a second night in the remaining battleground states where historic turnout and a mountain of mail-in ballots sent by voters trying to avoid exposure to the coronavirus made the job all the harder.
코로나바이러스에 노출되는 것을 피하려는 유권자들이 보낸 높은 투표율과 산더미 같은 우편투표가 개표를 더욱 힘들게 만든 나머지 경합주에서는 이틀째 밤까지 투표 집계가 계속되었다.
Both candidates still had paths to hit the magic number of 270 electoral votes representing a majority of states, thereby winning the White House.
두 후보 모두 과반수를 나타내는 ‘매직넘버’인 270명의 선거인단을 얻어 백악관을 차지하는 길이 남아 있었다.
But momentum moved to Biden, who made a televised speech from his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, to say that “when the count is finished, we believe we will be the winners.”
그러나 바이든의 득표가 속도를 높였고, 그는 고향인 델라웨어주 윌밍턴에서 TV 연설을 하며 “개표가 끝나면 우리가 승자가 될 것으로 믿는다”고 말했다.
By flipping the northern battlegrounds of Michigan and Wisconsin, and also winning formerly pro-Trump Arizona, Biden reached 264 electoral votes against 214 so far for Trump.
바이든은 북부 경합주인 미시간주와 위스콘신주에서 역전에 성공했고, 과거 친 트럼프 성향의 애리조나주에서도 승리해 현재까지 264명의 선거인단을 확보, 214명의 트럼프에 앞서있다.
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U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about early results from the 2020 U.S. presidential election in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., November 4, 2020. REUTERS |
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U.S. President Donald Trump speaks about early results from the 2020 U.S. presidential election in the East Room of the White House in Washington, U.S., November 4, 2020. REUTERS |
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[PAF20201104239901055]A Trump supporter (L) waves a US flag in the face of demonstrators at Black Lives Matter plaza across from the White House on election day in Washington, DC on November 3, 2020. (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP)/ |
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A US President Donald Trump supporter (L) clashes with a demonstrator at Black Lives Matter plaza across from the White House on election day in Washington, DC on November 3, 2020. (Photo by Olivier DOULIERY / AFP) |