China’s Jiangxi declares highest flood alert
중국 장시성, 최고 등급 수해경보 발령
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A man takes a inflatable boat on the flood water in Rongshui County, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on July 11, 2020. The county was hit by lasting heavy rainfalls July 10-11. /Xinhua |
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People take boats on the flood water in Rongshui County, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on July 11, 2020. The county was hit by lasting heavy rainfalls July 10-11. /Xinhua |
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People take boats on the flood water in Rongshui County, south China’s Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, on July 11, 2020. The county was hit by lasting heavy rainfalls July 10-11. /Xinhua |
The southern Chinese province of Jiangxi issued its highest flood warning on Saturday, predicting a big overflow from a lake that joins the Yangtze River as torrential rain continued to batter much of the country, state media said.
집중호우가 계속해서 중국 대부분의 지역을 강타하자 중국 남부 장시성은 양쯔강과 만나는 한 호수의 대범람을 예상하며 토요일 최고 수해경보를 발령했다고 현지 관영언론이 전했다.
The provincial government raised its flood-control response level to I from II, the People’s Daily said, the top of China’s four-tier scale, signaling disasters such as dam collapses or extraordinary simultaneous floods in several rivers.
인민일보는 장시성 지방정부가 홍수 대응 등급을 2급에서 1급(중국 최고 등급)으로 상향 조정하며 댐 붕괴 또는 흔치 않은 동시다발적 홍수 등의 재난을 예고했다고 보도했다.
With downpours continuing to wreak havoc across China, several other cities along the Yangtze have issued their highest-level flood warnings, with parts of the river threatening to burst its banks because of the incessant rain.
폭우가 계속해서 중국 전역에 큰 손해를 끼치자, 양쯔강이 흐르는 다른 도시들은 최고 수준의 홍수 경보를 발령했고, 강의 일부에선 끊임없이 내리는 비로 인해 제방이 무너지려 하고 있다.
The Jiangxi authorities expect severe regional flooding in Poyang, state television said, which is China’s largest freshwater lake and joins the Yangtze near the city of Jiujiang.
장시성 당국은 주장시 근처에서 양쯔 강과 이어지는 중국 최대의 담수호인 포양호에 심각한 홍수가 발생할 것을 예상한다고 중국 국영방송이 보도했다.
The level of the lake was rising at an unprecedented pace and had reached 22.65 meters by 9 p.m. Saturday, above the record high set in 1998 and well over the alert level of 19.50 meters, the CCTV said.
포양호의 수위는 전례 없는 속도로 상승하고 있었고 토요일 오후 9시에는 22.65m에 이르렀다. 이는 1998년에 세워진 최고 기록과 19.50m의 경계수위를 훨씬 상회했다고 중국 CCTV는 전했다.
Jiangzhou county issued a call on social media for everyone from the town aged 18 to 60 to return and help fight the flood, citing a severe lack of hands to reinforce dams. (Reuters)
장저우구는 댐을 보강할 인력이 턱없이 부족하다는 이유로 18~60세의 마을 주민들에게 돌아와 홍수와 싸워달라고 요청하는 글을 소셜미디어에 올렸다.
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Buildings are seen in a flooded part of Liuzhou city, Guangxi region, China, 11 July 2020. Guangxi region is one of the worst affected by flood regions in China with hundreds of thousands of people displaced. /EPA |