
Surprise increase in property auction action as buyers move off sidelines
The number of properties selling at auction increased last month, and the uptick was driven by activity in Auckland, the Real Estate Institute’s latest figures show.
Since the peak of the market in late 2021, sales by auction have plummeted, and just 9.9% (569) of homes sold under the hammer nationwide in May, according to the institute.
That was slightly down from 10.8% (622) at the same time last year, and it was a significant drop from the 28.5% auction sales in May 2021 when the market was booming.
But the figures also showed there were 160 more auction sales in May than the previous month, with the proportion increasing from 9.2% in April.
Ray White lead auctioneer Sam Steele said there had been a noticeable uplift in auction activity from buyers over the last six weeks.
The increase in activity was reflected in his agency’s clearance rates in May, which were over 50% for the first time in over a year, he said.
“Last week we conducted 75 auctions, and there was a clearance rate of 53.8%, which was up 5.33% on the same time last year.”
Bidder numbers were also on the rise, while buyer inquiries were increasing, he said.
“We are coming into winter, traditionally a quieter time in the market, so the uplift is a bit of a surprise. But inflation and interest rates seem to be stabilising, and that gives people more certainty.
“There is a new sense of opportunity among buyers, and first-home buyers are particularly prominent. Many have been waiting on the sidelines for a long time, and now they see a chance to secure a property.”
Steele said the increase in auction activity he had observed was mainly in Auckland, although it had improved in other areas too.
The institute’s figures showed that 18.1% (325) of Auckland sales were by auction, up from 16.1% (209) in April and from 17% (318) in May last year.
In many other parts of the country the percentage of auction sales had dropped on an annual basis, but one exception was Wellington.
Traditionally, auctions were not a popular sales method in the capital, but in May they made up 3.5% (23) of sales, up from 2.6% (12) in April and 1.3% (seven) last May.
Harcourts managing director Bryan Thomson said there was no question that auction activity had picked up recently, with more bidders and more sales earlier in the auction process.
Buyer inquiry and open home attendance had also improved, and agents were reporting that from around the country, he said.
“One reason for it is that interest rates look to have peaked, and that gives people more confidence in what they might end up paying on the mortgage.
“There is also lots of talk about house prices having fallen considerably, and that has left buyers thinking now is the time to get in as prices are more affordable than they were.”
The fact sales volumes fell to such lows earlier this year proved people who needed to buy or sell were not doing so, he said.
“But you can only put your life on hold for so long, and it seems that now many of those people are ready to put into action the plans they have been waiting on for the last 18 months or so.”
The improvement in the market was not a boom, but it was a far more positive environment than it had been for some time, he said.
In economist Tony Alexander’s latest survey of real estate agents, more agents reported they were seeing increased numbers at auctions than were seeing decreased numbers for the first time in over two years.
He said the net percentage of respondents at 2% was some distance from the high results during the second half of 2020.
A net 32% of survey respondents also reported that they were seeing more people at open homes, he said.
“This is the strongest result since February 2021 just before LVR rules returned and tax changes were imposed on investors. The willingness of people to more actively canvas potential purchasing options is clear from this result.”
구매자들이 부동산 경매에서 손을 떼면서 깜짝 증가한 부동산 경매 건수
부동산 연구소의 최신 수치에 따르면 지난 달 경매로 팔린 부동산 수가 증가했으며, Auckland의활동으로인해증가세를주도했다.
연구소에 따르면 2021년말시장이정점을찍은이후경매를통한판매는급감했으며, 5월전국적으로경매를통해판매된주택은 9.9%(569채)에 불과했다.
이는작년같은기간의 10.8%(622건)보다소폭감소한수치이며, 시장이호황을누렸던 2021년 5월의경매판매비율 28.5%에비하면크게감소한수치이다.
그러나 5월경매판매건수는전월보다 160건증가했으며, 그비율은 4월의 9.2%에서증가했다.
Ray White수석경매사Sam Steele은지난 6주동안구매자들의경매활동이눈에띄게증가했다고말했다.
이러한활동의증가는 5월에 1년만에처음으로 50%를넘긴그의대행사의통관률(clearance rates)에반영되었다고그는말했다.
“지난주에는 75건의경매를진행했으며, 통관률(clearance rates)은 53.8%로작년동기대비 5.33% 상승했다.”
“전통적으로부동산시장이조용한시기인겨울에접어들었기때문에이같은상승세는다소의외이다. 하지만인플레이션과금리가안정화되고있는것으로보이며, 이는사람들에게더많은확신을준다.
“구매자들사이에새로운기회에대한인식이확산되고있으며, 특히생애첫주택구매자들이눈에띄게증가하고있다. 많은사람들이오랫동안관망하다가이제야부동산을확보할수있는기회를잡았다.”
연구소의수치에따르면Auckland판매의 18.1 % (325)가경매를통해이루어졌으며이는작년 4 월의 16.1 % (209)와작년 5 월의 17 % (318)에서증가한수치이다.
전통적으로경매는수도에서인기있는판매방식이아니었지만, 5월에는전체판매의 3.5%(23건)를차지해 4월의 2.6%(12건), 작년 5월의 1.3%(7건)보다증가했다.
Harcourts의전무이사Bryan Thomson은최근경매입찰자가늘고경매절차초기에더많은매물이팔리는등경매활동이활발해졌다는것은의심의여지가없다고말했다.
바이어 문의와 오픈 하우스 참석률도 개선되었으며, 에이전트들은 전국 각지에서 이를 보고하고 있다고 그는 말했다.
“그 이유 중 하나는 이자율이 정점을 찍은 것으로 보이며, 이로 인해 사람들이 모기지 상환액에 대해 더 많은 확신을 갖게 되었기 때문이다.
“또한 주택 가격이 상당히 하락 했다는 이야기가 많이 나오고 있으며, 이로 인해구매자들은 가격이 예전보다 더 저렴하기 때문에 지금이 주택구입을 고려할 때라고 생각하게 되었다.”
올해 초 판매량이 최저치로 떨어졌다는 사실은 매매가 필요한 사람들이 그렇게 하지 않고 있다는 것을 증명한다고 그는 말했다.
“하지만 인생을 그렇게 오래 보류할 수는 없으며, 이제 많은 사람들이 지난 18개월정도기다려온계획을실행에옮길준비가된것같다.”
그는 시장의 개선이 호황은 아니지만 한동안 그랬던 환경보다 훨씬 더 긍정적이라고 말했다.
경제학자Tony Alexander의최근부동산중개인을대상으로실시한설문조사에서 2년만에처음으로경매건수가증가했다고답한중개인이감소했다고답한중개인보다많았다.
그는 2%의순응답자비율은 2020년하반기의높은결과와는다소거리가있다고말했다.
또한설문응답자의순 32%는오픈하우스에서더많은사람들을만나고있다고답했다.
“이는 LVR 규정이 반환되고 투자자에게 세금이 변경되기 직전인 2021년 2월이후가장강력한결과이다. 사람들이 잠재적인 구매옵션을 더 적극적으로 탐색하려는 의지가 이 결과를 통해 분명하게 드러난다.”